Encounter With the Hemogeny First Contact

Book I

Spaceship lifting out of a crater on a moon
Spaceship lifting out of a crater on a moon

Encounter with the Hemogeny Book I

First Contact

By Joel Guttormsen

Humanity rapidly expanded beyond the aging Planet Earth for centuries after the introduction of the Ion and Slipstream engines. Humankind’s sphere of influence grew as they gained resources to fuel the economies of the new planets of the Alliance while the Earth was terraformed. The exploration of planets was successful, but they failed to find intelligent life. The Alliance created the Planetary Exploration Arm of their space navy to explore the southwest and more of the Northeast Orion Arm of the Milky Way.

Captain Henry Teach leads his crew of scientists and maverick officers with a converted unarmed freighter named the Curious with its escort of a frigate named the Hamster into the unknown. Humankind’s first contact message is focused on harmonious relationships with friendly encounters. Their expectations are shattered when their first contact protocols and smiles end with the small frigate being consumed by an unknown alien weapon. They learn the aliens are the Human’s boogeymen because you are either their lunch or a slave. The Hemogeny are tough masters.

Henry must warn home but not let navigation secrets fall to the voracious aliens they have encountered. Teach hides using the time and genius crew to build interesting weapons systems They find unusual ways of winning the day.

Join the crew of the Curious as they escape, capturing a lone alien fighter pilot in a desperate move that will change the destiny of Mankind!

Coming Soon at the editors