The Tellurium Jewel
Book V
The Tellurium Jewel
By Joel Guttormsen
The Snowy Range System is dominated by a giant red sun and is home to an incredible, complex, rich mineralized planet creatively known as Snowy V. The planet is rich in Gold, Silver, and base metals. It is mined by a well-established mining consortium equipped with all the necessities of a home. The planet is where, if you survive, you will end up retiring, owning your own planet by the age of forty-five. Ensign Jenny Zoisite is an Alliance Navy Researcher Studying metallic disk planetary formation.
Jenny made an unusual discovery of natural tri-alurium Telluride (Au3 Te 10), which, according to all information, might one day be manufactured as a synthetic but was not natural. Jenny then discovers a secret laboratory that uses human hand prints as access. Zoisite later learns who built the lab and begins understanding what it did to her.
Then the Hemogeny show up, and Jenny meets Woody Prescott, touring systems along the Orion Belt and setting up Tachyon Slipstream Tachyon Detection systems. With no Alliance Navy help nearby, Commander Prescott and his infamous crew, along with Jenny Zoisite and the miners of Snowy V, must fight a massive Hemogeny incursion that, if successful, will tear into Human-Controlled Space.
Status: Written and edited
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