Reservoir Characterization and Geomodeling

Geologic reservoir characterization and geomodelling is a complex and multifaceted process to describe the physical qualities and qualities of a reservoir domain (sediments or mineral systems). This requires understanding the distributions of the critical components that drive reservoir behavior, often by best technical interpretations. That includes sedimentary rocks' porosity, permeability, and diagenesis effects on flow behavior. Geomodelling requires understanding the outcomes and variabilities between the space where we have data. FOco Gems has been geomodelling for twenty years and understands the value of probabilistic simulations predicting property distributions in the 3-D world. The lead investigator also believes geomodelling should start and stay simple, especially in old data-rich (and poor) brownfields with mismanaged waterfronts creating interference patterns with each other.

The lead investigator was responsible for developing fracture modeling in Vietnam, Indonesia, and Mexico's fractured oil and gas basement fields. He is a fracture expert but first has to understand the reservoir.

Here are the questions FOco Gems will want to achieve with a model.

  • Geomodelling starts with competent Reservoir Characterization!

  • Fit for purpose, adaptable, and updatable with new data.

  • Engineered for reservoir simulation exercises.

  • Fast and easy to optimize with diverse data sources.

  • Focuses on key aspects: structural framework, rock typing, reservoir properties, fluid saturations, and fluid chemistries.

  • Handles all reservoir types, including fractured systems in various settings.

  • Proficient in Petrel for model building.

  • Emphasizes pressure as a crucial domain, especially for oil & gas.

cross-plot porosity and permeability
cross-plot porosity and permeability
Geomodel slice of porosity
Geomodel slice of porosity