Encounter With the Hemogeny The Shattered Realms

Book IV

Shattered realm of swirling gas clouds Hemogeny Book 4
Shattered realm of swirling gas clouds Hemogeny Book 4
    Encounter with the Hemogeny Book IV

              The Shattered Realms

                                 By Joel Guttormsen

The Hemogeny sent a clear message after their defeat in the Canaanite System. The Hemogeny sent a Shakespearian quote: "Thy sin's not accidental, but a trade." Henry Teach, an admiral of the humanities' rescue mission to the Caananite, is shocked to see that the Hemogeny has had some form of contact with the human race. Henry finished the phrase as they looked at the giant gold plate it was etched onto: "Tis best that thou diest quickly." Only Henry's best friend and chief engineer understands that the quote is much more dangerous than thought. It is much more than just asking Humans to die quickly.

The ability to track ships moving in the slip-stream has greatly added to humanity's ability to fight the monstrous Hemogeny but the movements the Humans see are not what they expect.

Admiral Henry sends his best scout forward to find out what the galactic enemy is up to. The Humans find the voracious alien enemy of the galaxy darker than the Humans could imagine.

No one has seen what a real boogeyman can do until now. Join Henry Teach as he leads his fleet courageously into the jaws of the Boogeyman- The Hemogeny and see why the pathway is littered with the Shattered Realms.

Status: Book is written!

84787 word count

  • Part of group copywrite 2024

  • Round 1 editing: completed

  • Round 2 editing: 100%

Books 5 and 6 are part-way storyboarded (see map to the right)

Book 5 "Tellurium Jewel" is the battle for human space through the connection into the Orion arm near old Earth. They have used this before!

Book 6 Heads back down the SW arm to the Hemogeny homeworld. What happens when the humans reach the home of the Hemogeny?

Hemogeny Series Galactic Map for books III and IV of the Hemogeny first contact series.
Hemogeny Series Galactic Map for books III and IV of the Hemogeny first contact series.

Book is soon to be sold